Tuesday, February 3, 2015

An introduction to The Sew Fit Girl!

Hello friends, and welcome to my Fitness blog! I'm so excited to be starting this. I love starting new blogs... it's like getting a new nice pen and a cute notebook to write in, with my new nice pen! But, my problem is that I get distracted, and even if I think my blog is cute and fun, I can't get my ADHD thoughts out of my head and onto paper, or a blog.

But, I have started a new chapter in my life, and I am so excited to share with everyone everything I have learned, and will continue to learn.  So, I started this blog! I recently became a fitness coach through Beach Body, and I LOVE IT!!! (so weird!) My husband J and I were talking tonight about how weird it is that I am all of a sudden obsessed with fitness, and being healthy. It's never really been my "thing"! I have always loved junk food too much to really think about what is in it, and how bad it is for my body! But... I have had my eyes opened, I have started eating clean, and I have found that I really do feel better on a daily basis if I am putting good things into my body. I have also realized that I don't need to be in a "food coma" to be able to handle stressful situations. I can handle any stress that life throws at me without eating a whole box of donuts! One donut is totally fine for a no good day, but 12 donuts?... not so much!

I am passionate about Fitness, and I am a little ADHD, so I decided to make this blog mostly about fitness, but also about other things I am passionate about. That way my crazy brain will stay engaged in this new blog adventure long term! And hopefully, I can keep you all interested in my journey as well. I have decided that I will also blog about sewing (mostly quilting, because I LOVE quilting), books and movies (I'm horribly cheesy when it comes to movies, I'm watching The Sound of Music as I type).  I love speaking in "movie quotes", It helps me find "my people". If I'm quoting a movie and someone else picks up on it, and even better, recites the very next line in the movie I'm quoting, then it's like an instant friend for life. :)

Thanks for reading my very first post, and I hope you are looking forward to more words of wisdom from this Sew Fit girl! I look forward to letting you all get to know a little about me, and to start this fitness journey together! :)

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