Monday, March 9, 2015

My last week on the 21 Day Fix Extreme program

Okay everyone, I have finished the 21 Day Fix Extreme program. YAY!!! I did it!! I wasn't perfect at it, but I think I did pretty good!

This past week everything has seemed a little easier. I felt really good during all my workouts, I even missed a workout one day and I was able to double up the next day and not feel too fatigued. So I have definitely been able to feel myself getting stronger. I enjoyed the workouts more this last week as well. I will admit that I'm still not sure if I enjoyed them this week because I knew I never had to do them ever again after this if I didn't want to, or if it was because I was getting better at them... hahaha... but either way, working out this week didn't feel like something I had to talk myself into. (yes some days, I still have to talk myself into working out in the morning!)

I also noticed that I didn't feel like I needed to measure everything I was eating with the containers as much. I felt like I had a good enough sense of serving sizes by now & so I didn't use the containers as much as I had been using them. This was nice. I'm not the type of person who likes measuring my food, or counting calories, or points, or anything like that. I'm lazy I guess, but having to do any of that extra stuff just makes me feel like being healthy is too hard or complicated. I'm all about simplicity! I'm busy... I don't know about any of you, but I have a lot going on & adding that extra burden of counting & calories and measuring stuff, just takes up too much time if you have to do it long term.

I will admit to falling a little off the wagon as of Friday! My husband was getting ready to go out of town for a few weeks, and I was getting ready that day to head off to a retreat for work. So, I did have a donut on Friday morning with my husband, and I drank a Diet Coke on my way to the retreat. And, although I didn't go crazy on my retreat, I stuck pretty close to clean eating, I didn't take my containers or really keep track of how many of what colors I was eating. I just wanted to relax and enjoy myself with out having to focus on my eating. Sometimes you just need to throw all of that planning into the wind and enjoy life. That doesn't mean you have to go out and eat all of your favorite junk foods just because you are taking a break from your meal planner, but it is nice to not have to think so much about what you are eating all of the time.

Okay, now onto my thoughts on the program as a whole. It was a lot of work at first as far as planning my meals out. It took a little while to get the hang of it. I also had a hard time sticking 100% to the nutritional plan. I'm like a rebellious teenager or something when it comes to stuff like this. If someone is telling me I can't have something, then that is all I want! So having a list of specific food I could eat, just made me REALLY want to eat all the other foods that aren't on the list! :) Heaven help me if my life ever depended on eating healthy 100% of the time. If it was a choice between eating healthy all the time or die, I think I would end up dead pretty fast! :) But really other than that I enjoyed this program. I really did learn a ton!! And if you think about it, if something isn't challenging, are we really learning anything? So, having to suffer through planning out my first week of meals, really was worth it. I gained a lot of knowledge from this program.

I learned a lot more about portion control than I expected to, and I love that! This program really taught me how to fuel my body. It taught me to go a little beyond just healthy, clean eating, and made me think about getting in a good variety of all of the different food groups.

I also LOVE the workouts!! (with the exception of the Yoga! But, that is just me. It's an excellent workout, I just don't like Yoga at all....) The workouts really push my body, but they are only 30 minutes a day. To be able to get an awesome workout in, in only 30 minutes is the greatest feeling in the world. :) I can never wake up earlier enough, or have the attention span for hour long workouts.

Here are my Before and After pics.

I am really pleased with these. You can definitely see some major definition. My stomach isn't perfect at all by any means, but what can you expect from someone who hasn't worked her stomach out in 10 years and has had 3 C-sections!?!? And check out my bicep!! Look, there is a definite muscle line there along my right arm! :) Sorry, I could not get a back picture for comparison, I have no one around right now to take my pics for me so you will just have to settle for the front and side views. 

As far as pounds and inches go, I am down a total of 3.5 lbs, and 3.5 inches. :) 

I think that I will actually do this program every few months to help me stay on track with my eating and portion control. And.... I think I will actually do the workouts more often. I can really feel myself gaining some good muscle with these workouts. And based off my pictures, you can see the results as well.

So at the end of the day, I am a big fan of the 21 Day Fix Extreme, and I am glad I tried it!! :)

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